An intriguing collection of sixteen books on the themes of Myths and Monsters:

- The Atlas of Mysterious Places: The World's Unexplained Sacred Sites, Symbolic Landscapes, Ancient Cities, and Lost Lands by Jennifer Westwood, 1987.
- Magical and Mystical Sites: Europe and the British Isles by Elizabeth Pepper, John Wilcock, 1977.
- Moon Lore by Rev. Timothy Harlan, 1973 (Facsimile of 1885 ed).
- Gods and Myths of the Aztecs: The History and Development of Mexican Culture by Norman Bancroft Hunt, 1996.
- Aztecs: Reign of Blood and Splendor by Dale Brown, 1992.
- Voices of the First Day: Awakening in the Aboriginal Dreamtime by Robert Lawlor, 1991.
- Monster Mysteries. Will We Ever Know the Truth? by John Grant, 1995.
- More Secrets of the Dead by Hugh Miller, 2001.