Here is the first RedB4 selection of music cd's:

Artist Title UPC Price 187
Lockdown Kung
Fu 639842213929 £4 187
Lockdown Gunman 639842380522 £4 Andrea
Parker The
Dark Ages 5411867171201 £5 Andrea
Parker Kiss
My Arp: Inst. Version 674948009908 £7 Aphex Twin Drukqs 5021603092129 £7 Aphex Twin I
Care Because You Do 5021603030121 £5 Aphex Twin Selected
Ambient Works Vol.2 5021603021129 £7 Aphex Twin Richard
D. James Album 075596201025 £5 Aphex Twin 26
Mixes for Cash 801061010225 £7 Aphex Twin Come
to Daddy 5021603094000 £5 
Bent The
Everlasting Blink 5026535507727 £4 Bent Programmed
to Love 5026535120049 £5 Boards of
Canada Geogaddi 801061010126 £5 Boards of
Canada Music
Has the Right to Children 5021603055124 £6 Fila
Brazillia Luck
Be a Weirdo Tonight 5027803054523 £19 Fila
Brazillia Black
Market Gardening 5037454770079 £11 Fila
Brazillia Maim
That Tune 5037454770055 £19 Fila
Brazillia Mess 5037454770062 £4 Nine Inch
Nails Pretty
Hate Machine 042284835824 £4 Nine Inch
Nails Further
Down the Spiral 766482042128 £5 
Orbital Back
to Mine 793018551823 £5 Orbital The
Middle of Nowhere 731455607628 £3 Plaid Not
for Threes 5021603054127 £5 Plaid Rest
Proof Clockwork 5021603063129 £5 The The Dusk 5099747246821 £4 The The Mind
Bomb 5099746331924 £4 The The Soul
Minin 074643926621 £4 The The Hanky
Panky 5099747813924 £5 The The Infected 5099702677028 £4 
Two Lone
Swordsmen Tiny
Reminders 766486383029 £7 Two Lone
Swordsmen Further
Reminders 5021603091122 £5 Two Lone
Swordsmen Virus
With Shoes 5021603126022 £4 P&P is £2.00 for each item.